Organic Red Sorghum (Jowar/Jonna/Jola)

Red sorghum is a good source of iron, protein, and fibre, as well as various vitamin supplements and mineral deposits.

Alternative Names:

Sivappu Cholam | Jowar

Languages Names:

சிவப்பு சோளம் (Tamil ), ఎరుపు జొన్నలు (Telugu), സിക്കപ്പു ചോലം (Malayalam) ,ಕೆಂಪು ಜೋಲಾ (Kannada), लाल ज्वार (Hindi)

Original price was: ₹ 120.00.Current price is: ₹ 87.22.


About Organic Red Sorghum (Jowar/Jonna/Jola)

Red sorghum is a cereal crop that is widely cultivated all through the world. Its whole grain flour is broadly used in baked goods, and its syrup is a famous sugar substitute. Finally, it can be used as an organic fuel. Red Sorghum is a high-nutrient grain crop. It’s full of protein, fibre, Vitamin b, and microelements while being low in calories.

Nutrition Facts (Per 100g)

Energy (Kcal) 329
Fats (g) 3
Protein (g) 11
Carbohydrates (g) 72
Fibre (g) 7

How To Use Organic Red Sorghum (Jowar/Jonna/Jola)

  • Red sorghum Dosa
  • Red sorghum Roti
  • Red sorghum Porridge
  • Red sorghum Adai

Organic Red Sorghum (Jowar/Jonna/Jola) Benefits

  • Gluten is a protein found in food products wheat and barley. It adds to gut issues such as constipation, pain, and abdominal cramps. Red sorghum, an gluten-free whole grain, is known as an effective option for gluten-intolerant people.
  • Red sorghum is a form of carbohydrate that requires time to absorb. As a result, blood glucose levels are steady. As a consequence, it is fantastic nutrition for diabetes patients and people wanting to lose weight.
  • Jowar aids in the upkeep of calcium concentration in the body due to the high magnesium.
  • The high fibre content of red sorghum promotes better satiation, reducing intake by maintaining feelings of hunger at bay. As a result, the fibre content of Jowar represses your hunger, making it a great whole grain option for losing weight.
  • Red sorghum’s high dietary fibre content also aids the digestive process. The fibre acts as a thickening agent, aiding bowel passing through the digestive system. Whole grain aids in the advancement of gut health and the care of situations such as diarrhoea, constipation, stomach pain, and bowel problems.
Weight 500 g

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