Original price was: ₹ 140.00.Current price is: ₹ 70.00.


Supports Weight Loss/ Fat Burning Detoxing Kidney & UverAnti-diabetes, Regulates blood preTreats depression and anxiety Anti-inflammatory, Vitamins A, 86Rich in tron, Calcium, FresHealsconstipation gastritis and ul colitis.Moringa leaves contains Vitamin are 7 times more than in oranges times more than potassium in barNO Arficial Colo PreservativesUsage:Mix 2 tablespoon of VAAN Moringa So 1.5 glass (approx 300m) water, bola10mins. Add Sat for Taste and serve For Anemia and tred People Take 1 teaspoon of Vaan Moringa InstSoup mix with honey. Take it instantlyenergy booster. Energy booster ,Detox ,Unity Charge .

Weight 100 g

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